Our Swarovski tooth gems are a fun, non-damaging way to add some sparkle to your smile. Swarovski is known to produce the world’s finest precision-cut crystals and are polished to the highest standards of quality and sparkle just like diamonds. Lasts 3-24 months with proper care.
One Swarovski Tooth Gem
One singular tooth gem is applied to the tooth using professional dental tools, which usually takes about 15 minutes. There are many different colors to choose from.
Additional Gems
$25.00 each
Add as many Swarovski gems as you’d like for only $40 each additional gem.
One Disco Tooth
This is a full coverage of Swarovski Tooth gems on one tooth, typically the canine.
$130.00 ($40.00 down payment)
Your choice of a gold or white gold tooth gem and many different images to choose from. The down payment will be taken out of your grand total.
Contact us before scheduling.
(317) 600-1233 destesthetics@gmail.com